General Information
The school administration coordinator is Ms Angela Magro. The school office is open Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4.00 pm.
Students are expected to attend and participate in all classes. Because of legal requirements the school requires a written reason for every period of absence. Students arriving after classes have commenced must receive a late note from the Administration Coordinator which is handed to the class teacher.
The Canteen is staffed by a part-time paid manager from Monday to Friday. Canteen menu will be circulated for the commencement of each term.
All textbooks and class supplies are purchased by the school and given to
each child at the commencement of the school year. Students from Preps -
Year 2 have all stationery, books, and pencils supplied.
Students in Stages 2 and 3 are asked to purchase pencils, pens and
Children with infectious diseases must remain away from school for the
period as stated by the Health Department. Please consult with your doctor
before returning your child to school.
Kindergarten children need to produce their immunisation record at the
time of enrolment.
Children who have not been immunised against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, polio, measles, mumps and rubella, must remain at home if there is an outbreak within the school.
Parents must notify the school if your child has contracted an infectious disease.
General guideline for time away from school:-
Mumps -14 days after swelling appears
Rubella -4 days after rash appears
Conjunctivitis-doctor's advice
Whooping Cough- 14 days and other family members 14 days after exposure
Chicken Pox /Measles- doctor's advice
9.00 Assembly
9.00 - 10.30am Classes
11.00am - 11:20am Recess
11.20 - 1:00pm Classes
1:00pm - 2:00pm Lunch
2:00pm - 3.00 Preps class
1:20pm - 3.15 K- 6
Parents are requested to make every effort to ensure that children are punctual.
All care will be taken to collect student clothing left on the school premises but no responsibility can be taken. NAME TAGS ARE REQUIRED ON ALL CLOTHING. Names on the inside of shoes would help also. A lost property basket is located in the main entrance area outside the Year 3 classroom.
For our students' safety, all students must be signed in upon arrival at school.
All parents, volunteers and visitors are to report to the school office and obtain a visitors pass and sign the register upon arrival. When leaving please remember to sign out and return the pass.
Our school enforces the "no hat, no play" rule. Therefore, all children must wear the regulation hat which protects the face, head, ears and neck from the sun. Children must wear their hat throughout the whole year, during the hours of 10.30 - 3.15 pm. for all sport, P.E. and free play activities. We also strongly encourage the wearing of a sun block.
All items of uniform can be purchased from the school except shoes.
Girls tunics, boys shorts and trousers, ties, hats, sport uniforms,
jumpers and school bags can only be purchased from the school as they are
specific styles, colours and some have school logo printed.